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Thursday, May 23, 2019


I think the entire political left has foundered like a leaky old boat. It's just an unfortunate mixture of the failure of Socialism as a way to construct society and the runaway success of the disease of Pathological Altruism. It's not more complicated than that, and it is very reasonable to assume that, because they cannot be cured and continue to propagate and find new dupes, there is nothing that can be done; that the U.S. is doomed to collapse into Venezuelanism.
But perhaps not! Something is holding us together, and that something is the populism that Donald Trump seems to have created on the fly, out of his enthusiasm for building something, anything, as long as it's well built and he can be proud of it.What's gluing this leaky old tub together is that a group of deplorable working-class wage slaves have pitched in and given this unlikely ship captain a deck to stand on. What it's done for me is given me enough faith to wait and see what happens next, to not think I have to re-discover the wheel with every new set-back or challenge, to let someone else drive the car or ride the horse or pick the metaphor; I don't feel I have to flap my wings anymore to keep the plane in the air, the way I did while Obama was so cavalierly carrying out his Western Marxism game-plan.

Prior to writing the above, like, five minutes ago, I had posted a crappy poem I'd written in the hope that I could bait someone to criticize it, in order to get some attention. I deleted it. The above  probably has a better chance of getting a rise out of someone.     

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