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Saturday, October 17, 2020

Semi-Annual Report, 10/17/20

The Presidential campaign is almost over.  I'm sure my lately developed Psoriasis is a result of the political warfare in the fractured public discourse. There is nothing to do but wait it out. It's low-grade PTSD. My bride has it too. (The anxiety, not the skin problem. I've discussed the marriage, somewhere, I think, or will soon write a treatise on it.)

A few months ago I decided it was absolutely necessary that I read Korzybski's book Science and Sanity. I've been reading ten pages a day, early morning before my Zoom meeting. This morning on page 578 I came to a dead halt. Can go no further. Too much math. Calculus!  Didn't I know this would happen? What now? Do I jump into a fit of self anger, or talk myself off the ledge?  .....Off the ledge of course.  

My mother always said about me, that I bite off more than I can chew. That my reach exceeds my grasp. She used to say, "Pity the poor Pelican, his beak can hold more than his belly can!"  Dear old mom.  ...But then again she probably planted the Korzybski seed. She had the book. Don't think she read it, but I think she read some Hayakawa.  You remember him.., the Senator.  Anywayz, as they say in Canada, there is a theme developing here that shouldn't be overlooked. Note to self: Take note!  


Having done some Zooming with some nice folks up in Prince Edward Island, I decided to read its most famous novel, Ann of Green Gables.  Having read it, I'm beginning to feel an attachment to the people of PEI as it's called.  I noticed there's a Kindle book that has all or almost everything she wrote, Lucy Mongomery, Green Gable's author, so I snatched that up and started reading a second of her books. There are at least 100, so we'll have to see....she's no James Joyce, he said looking down his nose.  

Also, re-reading Ashley Montegue's book, Touching, the Human Significance of the Skin, which I read back in the seventies. Re-reading it to assuage, if possible, my politically encouraged psycho-somatic Psoriasis. Also re-reading a couple of books about consciousness that are laying around, trying to wrap my brain around the idea of a meta-language with which I could converse with the universe. Have I said that the Politics are getting me down? I mean, if someone were to tell me that the Liberal Media is not a propaganda organ for the Hard Left, I might act out. Let's leave it at that.   


Politics, 2.O

Whatever my beliefs are, or my system of beliefs, if that applies, or my preferences, likes, dislikes and ad. infinitum, I'm ego involved. I live and die according to my thoughts.  Thoughts are things, as my friends in New Thought would say. Why do I care about the coming Presidential election?  Being that I'm 77 years old and am destined for a future life in the Forth Dimension; some place in the high frequency world of the non-physical?   

I care because of love. Because all those I love seem so much younger than me. In many cases, so naive. So childlike. Expecting a perfect world. Not allowing for evil, sin, stupidity;  including those who think that I.Q. tests are unfair. .....O.K.  Lets have an I.Q. test that's fair. Everyone do the test. We will judge it according to what each participant thinks is fair. Everyone gets an A. Everyone has an I.Q. of 140. There. Now the test is politically correct, and useless.   

Let's give everyone a free home and a paycheck geared to the cost of living. The cost of living will rise. Those more clever will capitalize on their property and on their mental and physical efforts, while the less clever will flounder and the least clever will need special care. 

How is it that someone who voted for Jimmy Carter has gotten so wise in his old age? Not without a struggle, believe me. (I discuss the aforementioned in my book Hold On, sequel to Hold Still, [renamed The White Fence] so I needn't get into it here. It will be available for posterity, all that really counts when you come down to it.)     


I feel there is an awful lot of business in running a country; trade is business; negotiation is business, territorial expansion is business.  And, cut to the chase, a Communist isn't likely to be good at business. In fact, being bad at it probably would be good. And, what is progressivism except moving in a particular direction "progressively".  What's left, after the above, is to decide whether one wants Communism. If not, you are stuck with Capitalism.  In fact, even Communism needs capital, but you can only use it once, because it's not being re-produced!  Now, I know there is a school that says all you need to do to get money is to print it, but I think that dead horse has been flayed.  

The election is about seventeen days away and I'm voting for the Capitalist. He's brought jobs back from China.  He's closed the Mexico wall. That's all I need.  My concerns are for the people who live in pre-fabricated homes, own a pick-up truck and a Harley, (or maybe a backyard horse), and somehow get by, while raising two point five kids. There is no reason these people should be sacrificed to some elitist fantasy.    

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If you Google  you will find my blog. (Prohaska and Me) ...I guess you're supposed to know to do this?  Now; w...